This Kitchen Has a Secret, Hidden Feature
What is one of the most disgusting things to have in a kitchen? A toilet would probably be pretty high on that list. Even if the toilet is hidden, it's hard to get over the fact that there is a home in this world with a hidden toilet inside one of its kitchen cabinets. Honestly, we think that an outhouse would be better than this. Don't you prefer to do your business outside instead of in the kitchen?
This kitchen looks normal until you open the top of the cabinet on the left and see the toilet. And that's why you should always open the cabinets when checking out a new place.
It's a Glitch in the Matrix
At first glance, this kitchen seems alright, especially compared to most of the other ones on the list. However, upon further inspection, it becomes pretty clear that there is a grave design mistake. Or maybe that's not it; maybe it looks this way because of a glitch in the matrix. It's the only excuse for this we can think of since we don't know why anyone would intentionally create such a weird setup.
Whoever lives here probably runs into that corner and stubs their toe on it all the time. And they don't even have a way to access the cabinet space behind the counter - what a waste of storage space.
Congrats to the Newlyweds!
There is nothing wrong with adding some pictures and sentimental things to a home that make it seem cozy and loved. However, there's a certain line that, when crossed, means you've taken it too far. Take this couple, for example. They decided to design their kitchen backsplash with repeating pictures of the two of them on their wedding day. Although some may say it is romantic, others may say it's a bit much.

Even the couple is bound to get tired of seeing this picture each and every day. And what will happen if they move? We have a feeling they'll have to renovate that backsplash before then.
When Your Kitchen Island Doubles as a News Anchor Desk
Although most people might think kitchens are a place to cook food and eat yummy meals, it looks like some people try to have the space double as a podium from which they can give public speeches or deliver local news. That's the only explanation we can think of for this unusually shaped island. It looks like they combined the concepts of a kitchen island and a news anchor desk.
The funniest part is that there is just one chair by the island. It just makes it look even more like it is custom-made for someone to deliver the news at 7 o'clock tonight.
You'll Just Need a Ladder to Reach the Oven
It is already bad enough to have some kitchen cabinets so high up that you cannot reach them without a stepping stool. Now, imagine that situation, except with an oven instead of cabinets. It's not like you can just put certain items you don't use that often into the oven and avoid reaching there. The oven is one of the most used appliances in the kitchen! On the bright side, the stovetop is at a standard height.
Imagine climbing up on a step stool with a big and heavy dish of hot food and carrying it down without falling over. It sounds like a stressful way to live.
We Refuse to Believe Whoever Did This Actually Plays Piano
Sometimes, it can be challenging to decide what to put on the wall as decoration. Some people like pictures, while others like to leave them blank. And apparently, there is another category of people who like something entirely different: they hang pianos on their walls. This leaves us with so many questions. How did they put the piano on the wall, how does it stay there, and why would they put it there in the first place?
While the piano has been refurbished to double as a hood extractor over the stovetop, this only leaves us more bewildered. What kind of piano lover would do that to the instrument?
Perfect for the Couple Who Hates Talking to Each Other
There's nothing wrong with wanting a little bit of privacy in specific spaces in your house. However, it seems like they took that concept a little too far here. It feels a bit excessive to divide the bar stools and counter with a huge pillar so that you cannot see the other person (or talk to them) while you are eating. It just doesn't seem like the most convenient setup.

Why is that large pillar there anyway? It seems like they made the best of the space once they realized they had to work around this large pillar, but could it have been avoided?
A Sewage Pipe in the Kitchen Cause What Could Go Wrong?
Well, if you thought a toilet was the worst thing that could be included in a kitchen design, we now present you with a close contender. This home has an entire sewage pipe running through its kitchen. It leads from the bathroom on the floor above and goes straight through the kitchen. Not only is it unattractive and interrupts the design of the kitchen, but it is also pretty unsanitary.

How did someone mess up the design so much that this ended up happening? Did they not consider that they would need a pipe from the bathroom above when they designed the layout?
When You Want Texas in Your Heart and Your Sink
Some people are very patriotic. And in the United States of America, some are not only patriotic to their country but also to their state. Texas probably has some of the proudest and most patriotic residents of all the states; anyone from there can probably tell you there's plenty of Texas pride. And if you don't believe them or us, then we have this uniquely-shaped kitchen sink to prove it.

What are they hoping to achieve with this sink? That all of the guests who come over and use it know how much they love their state and want to show it off to everyone?
The Floating Refrigerator
Have you ever wondered if it was possible to make a refrigerator float? Although the answer to that is most likely no (because why would you ever need a floating fridge?), it's still interesting to know that it is possible! This home lacked some space in the kitchen, but the people living there still needed a refrigerator. What's the solution? The strange setup that you see in the picture below.
Although it does not look that pretty, it is technically functional, and isn't that all that matters? When they have a little extra money, maybe they could get a custom-made fridge to fit that small space.
That Time the Sofa-Maker Dipped His Toes in Kitchen Designing
Many different types of materials can be used to design a kitchen. There are the usual woods and granites that most people tend to choose, and then there is this. It is not so clear exactly what material this is and if it is as plush and fluffy as it appears or just a very impressive carved piece of wood. Either way, there is no doubt that this kitchen is one of a kind.
There is no problem in being unique and designing the room that you dreamed of and loved. But we just don't like all those crevices and dips where dust can forever hide away on your kitchen cabinets.
It Takes Talent to Mess up This Many Times
Sometimes things in life look perfectly fine from the outside, but then on the inside, there are quite a few problems. Just walking into this kitchen, you would never know the countless issues with the appliances and doors because they would most likely still be closed. However, try to open one of the doors, either to the fridge, dishwasher, or just a cabinet, and you will quickly see the truth.
How could someone have messed up all these items' placements and sizes? You could understand if one or two of them didn't open properly, but all of them make it a bit extreme.
We Just Have One Question: Why?!
For many of us, the photo below might be painful to look at. The sad part of this kitchen is that it appears to have been designed properly and wonderfully, but the people who moved in chose to turn it into a design mishap. Instead of putting the fridge in the nook meant for it, they put some cabinets there that do not fit and put the refrigerator against the empty wall.

It would be one thing if the fridge did not fit in the nook, and so they decided to make the best of this situation, but that does not seem to be the case here.
In This Kitchen, It's All About That Bass
You should probably be careful when you put the music on in this kitchen. It's unclear whether these speakers are functional or just decoration, but if they are real, it seems genuinely dangerous to put the music on. Could our ears handle all those speakers in one small room? And if they are not actual speakers, the design choice is even more questionable. But maybe these homeowners simply have a deep love for music.
Yet that leaves us with another question: if they like music, why not make it a music-themed kitchen? Why did it have to be specifically speaker-themed? We guess that for some people, it really just is all about that bass.
Perfect Island for the Family Who Loves to Arm Wrestle
Kitchen islands are one of the best and most convenient features in a well-equipped kitchen. There is nothing better than having seemingly endless workspace and counter space. However, not all kitchen islands are created equally. The island pictured below is absurdly small despite having plenty of extra room in the kitchen. There is little that this can be used for except maybe a bowl or an arm wrestling competition.
The strangest part about this is that they have plenty of space in the kitchen for a normal, full-sized island, yet they chose to install this tiny one that serves almost no purpose.
We Call This One "Victorian Streetlamp Chic"
Everyone wants to make their house seem unique and exciting in their own way. No one wants to live in a sterile, cookie-cutter house with no character. However, some people take that desire to be unique a little too far. These people thought a Victorian street lamp would be the right accessory to include in their kitchen. And while it is a cool decoration piece, its placement is a bit strange.
Maybe they were desperate for a little extra lighting in the room and had a Victorian street lamp sitting around, so they thought, "Why not put it in the kitchen?"
What You Can Get for $1 Million in San Francisco
All sorts of strange things can be found in the kitchen at any given time. The problem arises when the weird things are extremely large and unable to be moved. In this apartment, there is an entire ceiling beam lying in the middle of the apartment. Not only does it look extremely out of place, but it's also incredibly inconvenient for whoever is living there and trying to use the kitchen.
The wildest part about this is that this apartment is being sold for around 1 million dollars. While it's located in San Francisco and is beautiful besides the ceiling beam, it's still a high price to pay to stub your toes every day.
Ah Yes, They Found the Perfect Spot for the Oven
Either the people who designed this kitchen had very specific appliances in mind that would fit in the space, or they were just completely oblivious and didn't give it much thought. Whichever one it was, the tenants living in this apartment were left with a strangely designed kitchen that probably irked them each and every day they walked into it. After all, the back of that oven is a pretty abrasive sight.

Not only is the oven completely off when it comes to the fit, but the cabinets are one-sided and not very pleasing to the eye from the back.
This Is Not What Design Shows Mean When They Say to "Bring the Outdoors In"
Who doesn't want to bring a little bit of the outdoors into their house? There is a reason plants are becoming so popular in millennial homes (and almost taking them over). This family seemed to want the outdoors look inside, but they took it one step (or many steps) too far. They covered their entire ceiling with pine cones and leaves. Maybe they are not real, but it makes for a difficult cleaning situation regardless.

The rest of the kitchen design is also pretty imposing when you really look at it. We imagine making coffee in this kitchen every morning might be overwhelming.
Mold-Patterned Floor: Perfect for Killing Your Guests' Appetites
So there are two options here. Either the person who designed this flooring has no idea what mold is or how undesirable it is, or they are trying to hide the fact that the floor is actually infested with black mold. This flooring is the perfect choice for something already quite moldy as it looks just like it. You really can't tell the difference between potentially real mold and the floor pattern.
People who walk into this house must be very confused at first. They don't know if they are looking at a mold-infested place or if it is just a very strange design choice.
The Kitchen Equivalent of a 3-In-1 Shampoo
Sometimes in life, you are not left with very many options. Not everyone can afford a big luxurious house with lots of spare space and separate rooms for everything. Hopefully, this home is actually very inexpensive as the design of it is so strange and not functional. What is the reasoning behind putting everything in one room all squished together? The most bizarre part, for sure, is the full shower in the kitchen.

It is not unusual to see a washing machine in the kitchen, but the shower is unique. At least if you spill on yourself while cooking, you know that you can easily clean it off in the shower without going far.
A Cozy Little Corner for This Special Appliance
So either these people just moved in and have only managed to get an oven so far, or they have a very minimalist lifestyle. You can only hope that it is the former as it seems difficult to live in conditions like this and actually impossible to cook anything. Is there even a sink or cabinets? Or literally anything other than an oven in this large kitchen space?

The only rational explanation for such a strange setup is that these people just moved in or have not yet finished building the house, hence the complete emptiness.
Tetris Kitchen Drawers: The Ideal Choice for Inconvenient Storage
Most people love a good game of Tetris. It is satisfying and fun and enables you to use your brain a bit as you try to figure out the best way to solve the puzzle. However, most people do not want Tetris in the form of kitchen cabinets and drawers. When you go into the kitchen for a snack or to cook some dinner, the last thing you want is to be confused by the cabinets.

It is an interesting and unique design, giving the kitchen a cool vibe. However, it just is not the most functional or best choice to have in one of your most frequented rooms.
Who Needs an Oven, Anyway?
At first glance, this kitchen appears to be very beautifully designed with sleek brown cabinets and stylish aspects. However, there is something very wrong with this picture. They seemingly did not leave enough space in their design plans to add an oven. Either that or the people living there did not want to purchase one and were ready to use a toaster oven instead. And then they just got creative with the space.

Whichever explanation is responsible for this strange kitchen, it also does not appear to be the safest. Using wood as the surface to support a microwave is a questionable choice.
Save on Curtains by Blocking the Window With Your Fridge
Although this can be classified as a major design failure, it also appears that the people living in this house don't have enough space for all the necessary appliances to have a functioning kitchen. But who would have thought it possible to put a fridge on top of the counter? They probably can't even use all of the space in the refrigerator as they have no way to reach it.

At this point, selling the large fridge and replacing it with one of those mini-fridges you see in hotels would probably be advisable. At least it wouldn't look so crazy sitting on the counter.
When You Want to Trick the Neighbors
It's admittedly very exciting when you suddenly become rich and have endless streams of money. However, people should try to remember that money does not always buy style and classiness. These people wanted to make it very clear to anyone who entered their house that they were not lacking any money. So they etched a picture of a Lamborghini in the window and sprinkled every possible area with expensive designs.
The funny part about this is that they are trying to show off their wealth by displaying their wine collection. They failed to realize that good wine should not be stored in the sun.
This Designer Skipped Geometry Class
Kitchen hoods are a wonderful thing. They soak up all the smoke, grease, and splatters that could happen in the kitchen and help keep your house odor free and fresh. However, what is the point of a kitchen hood if it is not placed above the stovetop? It seems like a silly concept and a waste of money altogether. It is close to the stovetop but still pretty far away.
This kitchen hood may soak up some of the smells and vapors that come from the stovetop, but not all (or even most) of them.
Dinner and a Show
Maybe the people in this house lacked space, and that is why they had to combine the kitchen with what appears to be a showroom. If not, that is just a very strange choice of decorations and one that does not make much sense. The projector and the curtains make it look like a home theater, but you can never be sure, especially as it is in the kitchen.

At least if they ever want to have dinner and a movie, they are all set up to do so right from home. Nothing like having things available very conveniently!
That's the Pointiest "spoonful" We've Ever Seen
The concept of this sign is very nice. After all, who doesn't want to make sure that spoonfuls of love are added to every recipe? However, they should have ensured that spoonfuls were added and not forkfuls. Why would they have a sign that says spoonfuls and then put a fork on it? Were they out of spoons and thought this would be better than nothing, or did it just slip their minds?

The worst part is that this got past all of the designers and then was also missed by the person who bought the sign. How did no one notice this?
Big City Apartments Be Like
Although you have already seen one hidden toilet in the kitchen, who would have thought there could be another one? Maybe they are very short on room in their home, and that's why everything had to be smooshed into this tiny space. But it still seems a bit strange to have to climb up the stairs in the kitchen to go to the bathroom. It seems especially uncomfortable if someone is cooking.
No one wants to hear what is going on in the bathroom, no matter what room it is in. But people want to hear it even less while they are cooking.
Our Eyes Don't Know Where to Look First
When you look at each aspect of the design of this kitchen, they are actually not all that bad. However, combine them all, and you are presented with something you've probably seen in a nightmare. Alone, the ceiling is actually quite cool with its space-like design. But then, when you combine that with the dark brown cabinets and the strangely textured backwash, things get wild, to say the least.

It is both overwhelming and appealing at the same time. Part of you probably wants to run and never return, while the other part can't stop looking at how strangely mesmerizing it is.
Can You Find the Refrigerator?
When you first look at this picture, it may be difficult to see what is not quite right. It seems like a nice kitchen with a very simple and straightforward design. But if you look at everything a little bit longer, you'll realize it is missing a refrigerator. Except then you look again and see there actually is one; it's just small and looks nothing like an actual fridge.

It's comical because they have a very large oven but then a very small fridge. And the placement of the fridge makes it look more like a window than an appliance.
His and Hers Sink (but Just One Faucet)
The idea of having a diamond-shaped sink is actually a pretty cool one. After all, who says you have to have the typical square, rectangle, or circular sink? Why not change things up and make it into a diamond? Well, these people may have plenty of reasons not to do it, especially when you consider that to stand by this sink, you would be stuck in the corner.

It looks quite cool, but unless you keep kosher and separate different types of dishes, it doesn't have much of a real functionality and actually appears to make life more difficult.
That Kitchen Island Is Definitely Going Through Its Awkward Stage
Most of us went through an "awkward phase" growing up. For the lucky ones, it lasted only about a year until puberty hit, and they blossomed. But for most of us, our "awkward phase" lasted quite a few years and didn't leave until poverty finally ended. Sadly for this kitchen, it looks like its island will be forever stuck in its awkward phase. While the rest of the space is a blossoming beauty, the island is just weird.

It reminds us of when we were teenagers: it looks awkward and like it doesn't know what to do with itself. And we don't think it'll outgrow this stage.
Did Crayola Sponsor This Kitchen?
Ok, so there are a few theories of how this kitchen came to be. Maybe the designer accidentally spilled a few tubs of paint and didn't know what to do, so they just painted everything and anything in sight with any and every color of paint that they could find. That is theory one. Theory two is that someone ran an art school and let each student paint a different portion of the kitchen themselves, creating this result.

Although neither of those is probably the real reason that this kitchen is so insanely colorful and painted, they are probably more interesting than the real reason, which is probably just a design fail.
What's a Kitchen Without a Spot to Stub Your Toe?
There is something so frustrating about stubbing your toe. It is both painful and angering. You can only hope that the people in this house constantly wear shoes at home, as there is no way they can avoid stubbing their toe on this camouflaged piece of material. It looks exactly like the flooring, and no average person can see the difference quickly. It is a disaster waiting to happen.
Why is that piece of material even there in the first place? It does not seem particularly necessary in any form or fashion, and it looks like it should have been removed, not left to hurt people daily.
This Gives Us Big Picasso Vibes
More than anything, this setup is just downright confusing. Is it supposed to look aesthetically cool and interesting by having the appliances not fit into the shape made for them on the wall? Strangely enough, though, if you look closely, the microwave is actually fitted pretty nicely into that space, and it even has a little piece supporting it from underneath. Maybe it really is meant to look like that?

It's not just the microwave, though; the oven is also very, very strange. Why does it have a fake brick look to it? And why doesn't that fake brick spread to the rest of the area?
They Really Want to Be the "party House," Don't They?
Maybe someone was really missing the clubbing life when they settled down into their new home. Or maybe it was the people who designed this home. Either way, making a room look more like a nightclub than a kitchen seems strange. Most of the time, there is nothing to oppose when it comes to more lighting in any room, but this isn't the kind of mood lighting one imagines for a kitchen.

To top it off, this kitchen, and house in general, doesn't appear to have much furniture, which puts even more emphasis on the strange lights that encircle the room.
"Just Leave Your Empty Martini Glass Inside the Martini Sink"
What would happen to a guest who wants to put their dirty martini glass in the sink? Where should they put their empty martini glass? "Oh, just put the martini glass in the martini glass," the homeowners might say. And this could very easily lead to some confusion. Although it is a creative concept (and not the first interestingly-shaped sink on this list), and most people enjoy drinking occasionally, is this obsession healthy?

It also is a massive waste of space. What can they put in the bottom portion of the sink? Nothing will fit there except for utensils and other very small items.
They Wanted to Mix Things up
Our first thought when we looked at the kitchen photographed below was that the designers were trying hard to make something unique. But they might've been trying too hard - they just did the opposite of what most other designers would do. Instead of making the cabinets wood and getting a white or silver fridge, they made the cabinets white and the fridge wooden. It's so unexpected that it's visually confusing.

By the look of it, the refrigerator is actually stainless steel, and its front was covered with artificial wood. These are some interesting choices all around.